WARNING: If you are looking at this on ios in PWA mode, then you might not be able to get back to the main page, because on android you can only get back with the back button. Just double click the home button, and stop and restart the application when you are done reading. Terms of Use: Do you remember that story about it not benig worth Bill Gates's time to pick up a $100 bill from the ground? Using that calculation, if it is not worth your time to pick up a $20 bill or equivalent, then to the extent that it is possible and/or legal to make a paid service on the internet that does not actually prevent you from consuming the service without paying, and only mentioning in the small print that the service is not free, the price to play this game is one quarter of the money you save by playing this.. meaning for each game you play, take the amount of time an analog snakes and ladders game would take you, and calculate how much that time is worth using the same calculation that was used to determine whether it is worth it for Bill Gates to pick up the $100 bill, divide by four, and send me that much money. I have no tracking on usage of this website. It is all run in the client. So I am going to have to hope that anybody who saves piles of money with this game is honest. If you are poor enough that it is still worth your while to pick up a $20 bill or equivalent, then this game is completely free (as in beer). Rules: I have made a pretty serious effort to make sure the game is fair, and that the game is being played as expected. However, please do not bet against somebody based on that, because if they offer to play this game with you for money, they probably know something you and I don't. Please do not use this game in any other way in which a flaw in the fairness of the game would be costly in terms of money, stress, or anything else. Feel free to review the source code in the github repo, or by viewing the source code with dev tools or looking at the github repo, and decide for yourself if the game is fair and authentic for your purpose, and please let me know if there is any problem. When rolling to see who goes first, if there is a tie, all players re-roll, not just the ones involved in the tie. So if two players roll a 5, and one player rolls a 3, all three players re-roll, and could end up playing first. After the winner of the initial roll starts, everybody else plays in the order they were listed in the text box, so if the second player listed in the text box wins the rolls to see who goes first, the third player listed goes second. You do not have to win with an exact number. I read on wikipedia that that rule is not universal, and it was easier to implement without that rule, so I left it out. If you are on square 99, and then roll a six, you win. Privacy: I'm not saving any information at all. This site doesn't connect to any outside site, so I have no way of tracking anything. Github, who host the static files, are probably tracking your visits somehow. Image: The board comes from here: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Game,_board_(AM_1999.143.26-1).jpg CCBY Thanks to the Auckland War Memorial Museum